
Creating a Simple Timer Datapack with Kore

Welcome to the world of Minecraft datapack creation! If you've ever wanted to create your own Minecraft datapack but felt limited by traditional tools, Kore, a Kotlin-based library, is here to make the process easier and more efficient. In this article, we'll guide you through creating a simple datapack that displays a message every 20 seconds using the "tick" function. We'll show you how to do this using traditional commands and then how to achieve the same result using Kore.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Minecraft 1.20.6 installed
  • Basic understanding of Minecraft commands
  • Kotlin and Kore setup (refer to the Kore Template for setup instructions)

Check Kore Introduction for more information on how to set up Kore in your Kotlin project.

Creating the Timer Datapack with Commands

Step 1: Setting Up the Datapack

  1. Create the Datapack Folder:

    • Navigate to your Minecraft saves directory.
    • Open the folder of the world where you want to add the datapack.
    • Inside the world folder, create a new folder named datapacks.
    • Inside the datapacks folder, create a new folder for your datapack, e.g., timer_datapack.
  2. Create the pack.mcmeta File:

    • Inside the timer_datapack folder, create a file named pack.mcmeta.
    • Add the following JSON content to the file:
    	   "pack": {
    		   "pack_format": 41,
    		   "description": "A simple timer datapack"

Step 2: Adding the Timer Functionality

  1. Create the Functions Folder:

    • Inside the timer_datapack folder, create a folder named data.
    • Inside the data folder, create another folder named timer.
    • Inside the timer folder, create a folder named functions.
  2. Create the tick.mcfunction File:

    • Inside the functions folder, create a file named tick.mcfunction.
    • Add the following commands to the file:
    scoreboard players add @a timer 1
    execute as @a[scores={timer=400..}] run say 20 seconds have passed!
    execute as @a[scores={timer=400..}] run scoreboard players set @a[scores={timer=400..}] timer 0
  3. Create the load.mcfunction File:

    • Inside the functions folder, create a file named load.mcfunction.
    • Add the following commands to the file:
    scoreboard objectives add timer dummy
  4. Create the tick.json File:

    • Inside the data folder, create a folder named minecraft.
    • Inside the minecraft folder, create a folder named tags.
    • Inside the tags folder, create a folder named functions.
    • Inside the functions folder, create a file named tick.json.
    • Add the following JSON content to the file:
    	   "values": [
  5. Create the load.json File:

    • Inside the functions folder, create a file named load.json.
    • Add the following JSON content to the file:
    	   "values": [

Step 3: Loading the Datapack

  1. Load the Datapack:

    • Start Minecraft and open the world where you added the datapack.
    • Use the command /reload to load the datapack.
    • You should see a message in the chat confirming the datapack is loaded.
  2. Test the Timer:

    • Wait for 20 seconds and you should see the message "20 seconds have passed!" in the chat.

Creating the Timer Datapack with Kore

Step 1: Setting Up the Project

  1. Clone the Kore Template:

  2. Open the Project:

    • Open the project in your preferred Kotlin IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA).

Step 2: Adding the Timer Functionality

  1. Create the Timer Function:
    • Inside the src/main/kotlin directory, create a new Kotlin file named Timer.kt.
    • Add the following Kotlin code to the file:
    import io.github.ayfri.kore.arguments.scores.ScoreboardCriteria
    import io.github.ayfri.kore.arguments.scores.score
    import io.github.ayfri.kore.arguments.types.literals.allPlayers
    import io.github.ayfri.kore.arguments.types.literals.self
    import io.github.ayfri.kore.commands.execute.execute
    import io.github.ayfri.kore.commands.say
    import io.github.ayfri.kore.commands.scoreboard.scoreboard
    import io.github.ayfri.kore.dataPack
    import io.github.ayfri.kore.functions.load
    import io.github.ayfri.kore.functions.tick
    import kotlin.io.path.Path
    fun main() {
    	   val seconds = 20 // Change this value to the number of seconds you want to wait before the message is sent.
    	   val datapack = dataPack("timer") {
    		   load {
    			   scoreboard.objectives.add("timer", ScoreboardCriteria.DUMMY)
    		   tick {
    			   scoreboard.objective("timer").add(allPlayers(), 1)
    			   execute {
    				   ifCondition {
    					   score(self(), "timer") greaterThanOrEqualTo seconds * 20
    				   run {
    					   say("20 seconds have passed!")
    		   path = Path("path/to/your/minecraft/saves/[Your World Name]/datapacks")

Step 3: Building and Loading the Datapack

  1. Build the Datapack:

    • Use the build tool provided by the Kore template to build the datapack.
    • The built datapack will be located in the build directory.
  2. Load the Datapack:

    • Copy the built datapack to the datapacks folder of your Minecraft world.
    • Start Minecraft and open the world where you added the datapack.
    • Use the command /reload to load the datapack.
    • You should see a message in the chat confirming the datapack is loaded.
  3. Test the Timer:

    • Wait for 20 seconds and you should see the message "20 seconds have passed!" in the chat.

Congratulations! You've successfully created a simple timer datapack that displays a message every 20 seconds using both traditional commands and the Kore library. Happy coding!